Once Srinvisan and his family was undergoing lot of trouble and tribulations. Same was becoming unbearable. His relatives started deserting him. It became so unbearable Srinivasan thought he should die. First he thought of himself dying, his wife, his daughter. When he thought of young son dying it was not bearable. He got up and decided that all of them next day will go to Tiruvannamalai. They reached Sannadhi street and was waiting in the queue. Yogi asked them to be allowed inside. When they came Bhagwan asked them to sit and said Srinivasan Long Live, Rajeshwari Long Live and like wise to both his kids. Yogi then said you disturbed me last night. Why do you want to die. Keep chanting and live is what Bhagwan said.
Please follow the link for the satsang in youtube.